Scripting Library

Scripting Library

The goal of OSVVM’s scripting is to have “One Script to Run them All” - where all is any simulator.

Current supported simulators are

  • GHDL (Free Open Source simulator),

  • Aldec’s Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO,

  • Siemen’s ModelSim and QuestaSim,

  • Synopsys’ VCS, and

  • Cadence’s Xcelium.

OSVVM scripts are a TCL based API layer that provides a tool independent means to simulate (and perhaps in the future synthesize) your design. The API uses TCL procedures to create the abstraction layers – which is why they have the extension .pro.

The scripts are executable TCL, so the full power of TCL can be used when needed (such as is in

Going Further

Read the following documents for more information on OSVVM’s Scripting.

OSVVM Script User Guide

UG pdf

OSVVM Script library

Git Repository